Microstrip antenna theory and appliction
Microstrip antenna theory and appliction

microstrip antenna theory and appliction

Kubwimana JL, Kirsch NJ, Ziegler C, Kontopidis G, Tuner B (2019) Dual-polarized 5.75 GHz optically transparent antenna arrays. IEEE Trans Compon Packag Manufact Technol 7(5):786–791 Kiran DV, Sankaranarayanan D, Mukherjee B (2017) Compact embedded dual-element rectangular dielectric resonator antenna combining sierpinski and minkowski fractals.

#Microstrip antenna theory and appliction Patch#

Joshi R, Podilchak SK, Anagnostou DE, Constantinides C, Ramli MN, Lago H, Soh PJ (2020) Analysis and design of dual-band folded-shorted patch antennas for robust wearable applications.

microstrip antenna theory and appliction

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Microstrip antenna theory and appliction